About us



Qabis, an advocate for change

While the past may comfort us with its familiarity,
the future opens the door to new exciting possibilities.
As the world shifts to a sustainable approach for a better tomorrow,
Qabis is proud to be Saudi Arabia’s leading network of business solutions for EV charging stations.

What do we do?

Qabis specializes in creating business solutions that takes EV charging to a whole new and unprecedented level of convenience.
Because we are committed to helping the EV charging revolution grow,
we are invested in making the transition to Electrical Vehicles smooth and fun!

How did it start?

A Shared Goal
All around the world,
People from different races are coming hand-in-hand to make a greener sustainable future possible. A healthier planet is a goal we collectively share as humans.

A Shared Responsibility
Qabis has taken the large role of facilitating the transition to EV technology in Saudi Arabia, putting the comfort and goals of its clients at the center of its vision.

A Shared Community
With our various offerings for B2C and B2B, we hope to build partnerships with stakeholders that allows us to give adequate support to the EV charging system in Saudi Arabia.


What do we stand for?

From the first glance, Qabis’s name is self explanatory!
We are aiming to Qabis (aka plug in) EV all over Saudi Arabia.
However, if you take a closer look, our name tells a story of its own!

Q- Questing the most convenient EV experience in the Arab world!
A- Advocating for our costumers, both EV drivers and business, to make sure their needs are fulfilled.
B- Believing in a better sustainable future and reversing the trend of climate change, which will improve our health as well as the planet’s.
I- Integrity. The most fundamental part of our company’s culture. It might not be the first letter but it’s definitely our top priority!
S- Satisfying the needs and wishes of our clients with our client-centered approach.

We’re only getting started!
We’ve come a long way, but our journey is just beginning.
Whether you’re a future EV driver or an EV charging developer, you can become one of the pioneers leading the booming EV business.

How do we do it?

We are committed to honoring our promises to our community, which is the one we are building through B2B and B2C connections.

B2B –By helping manufacturers and providing them with all the tools they need to build smart EV infrastructure businesses and run them on a large scale. There’s no better business than a business that puts sustainability at the center of its vision! Find out more about our business solutions.

B2C – By making EV charging a smooth process, simple as plugging in and out! We make sure to keep the complexity of our algorithms and the magic of details hidden behind the scenes, only offering our customers comfort and ease. EV charging shouldn’t be difficult! Find out more about our customer solutions.